The old adage "provide a man with a fish to eat you will probably have find a fish for him every day, provide him with a fishing rod and teach him to fish he can find fish for himself and feed himself" is key to the idea of sustainability. When Mission International first drew up the plans for the Hope Centre in Burundi in conjunction with Rema Ministries and Pastor Leonard this concept was central to our agreement.
Pastor Leonard Tuyishimire, who oversees the Hope Centre project on a daily basis has begun to lay out small vegetable gardens on the remaining ground around the homes which will in time produce some food for the family. A chicken project is now being funded and should be in place soon and there is a small herd of milk cows producing milk and a small income for the project as well. Many of the kids have been sponsored and so this project has the early signs of success.
3 of the 6 Hope Centre homes are now complete, the funds becoming available for house 4 as well.
Pastor Leonard gets down to business preparing the ground and getting plants growing which will provide food very soon.
Skills Centre Plans:
The next phase of the Hope Centre project is to put in place a skills centre. Many of the returning refugees have no hope of finding work locally if they have no skills and so Mission International would like to find the resources to erect and resource a skills centre for the men and women of the community.
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