Monday, 22 September 2008

Hope Centre Kids benefit from food donation:

A local trader provides food assistance:

A local trader in Bujumbura, Burundi has provided 150kg of rice and 150 kg of beans to help feed the Hope Centre Kids after having been sent funding from a member of the family in Pakistan. Pastor Leonard Tuyishimire has expressed his thanks to the family in question as has Charles Carr who is currently working on the building project at the Hope Centre in Mutimbuzi, Gatumba.

The Children are thankful for this donation, their health and growth as well as their education will benefit as a result of this kind gesture.
The bags of food are loaded into Charles' car to be transported to feed the children. Mission International has expressed thanks to the family who made the donation. Working together like this is the only way to bring much needed support to the many orphaned children in Burundi.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Further progress at Mutimbuzi:

Hope Centre work moves quickly on:
The Hope Centre work continues apace now that the block presses have arrived. The red earth, purchased locally, has to be sieved and then mixed with a small amount of cement and water to make the blocks, the blocks are then allowed to dry before they can be used for building. The result is a nice red brick building, as you will see below there are plain blocks and interlocking blocks, as well as interlocking slightly curved blocks (not shown) for building water tanks.
Below the red earth is passed through a sieve to prepare it for the block making process.

Below Charles views the results of the plain block maker.

This block press makes an interlocking block.

Here the local ladies carry freshly mixed concrete in buckets on their heads.

To see more information have a look at the Hope Centre website

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Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Hope Centre site sees major changes:

Development of the Hope Centre site:
Since arriving in Burundi in mid July Charles & Val Carr have managed to bring about considerable change to the Hope Centre site in Mutimbuzi, Gatumba. Due to the fact that the rainy season will be arriving soon, there is a bid to make sure that the six foundations are in place so that the house building can continue even if there is some flooding on the site. The foundations have been raised to almost a metre off the initial ground level to allow for inevitable flooding and this will be back filled between the houses and landscaped when the building work is over.

Below: The considerable area to be developed is disturbed as the foundations are dug and the building work is initiated.

Below: This building work has caused quite a stir in the area and as a result some of the locals have managed to find work labouring and using their skills to prepare for and build the Hope Centre.

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